Setting Up OpenGL in an MFC control
빨강 링크로 가면 잘나와 있음
Points of Interest
I searched, Googled & read a lot, but failed to come across a complete example that displayed the above without using glBegin()
and/or int main()
as the entry point. Very frustrating.
I don't plan on maintaining this, unless something serious warrants updating. There is probably more efficient ways to implement this. I just wanted to share this as I struggled to find something similar that contained a full yet basic working example.
and/or int main()
흠 그렇군... 바이블책 신나게 앞장에 보다가 MFC에 어떻게 연결시키지 열심히 구글링 했는데 바이블 책 13챕터에 윈도우 프로그래밍과 OPENGL 에서 설명하고 있구만 어허허허허